Kendall Jenner’s Annual Birthday Gift

What do you get a girl who has everything? 

Super model, Kendall Jenner, remains at the top in the industry with dozens of magazine covers and opening shows for high end designers. With all her success comes many blessings. Imagine trying to think of a one of a kind gift for Jenner. Beyond work, she is easy-going and an adventurer to say the least. From extravagant car racing with her father, Caitlyn Jenner, to week long ski trips with the entire Kardashian entourage. On a more relaxing note, her Instagram stories also show her love for spending some time with herself and a well-written book. 

Ashleah Gonzales, a dear friend of hers, took her love for books as inspiration for a more meaningful gift. Each year Ashleah surprises Kendall with several thoughtful novels. She even writes handwritten notes and slides them into pages of the books for Kendall to enjoy. For her twenty fourth year, she received: So Sad Today, Sea of Strangers, Can’t and Won’t, How to Cure a Ghost, Black Swans, and Tonight I’m Someone Else. One note by Ashleah read “Forget the title, this book is so funny and honest!” Apparently So Sad Today is not so sad! Sometimes everyone needs that reminder that feeling emotions is a normal human process and needs to occur for our sanity. Additional notes emphasize “So good!” or “My favorite!”. Ashleah Gonzales is an important friend for the model who is on the go every day.

Reading remains a pastime for a handful of people in this age. Kendall encourages her followers to pick up a book, drop the phone, and bask in nature. Nothing sounds more therapeutic when you are constantly travelling and working. Start small and continue to grow through the gift of education. A woman who reads is an unstoppable force. 

Trying to think of a gift for someone who has everything or nothing? The answer is always: books. Satisfy a mind of a loved one with the art of words and they will thank you for years to come.