November Issue 2020

You First

Do you ever skip stretching before your workout because you “don’t have time”? A majority of people can say they have done the same. You are not alone. But, it is time to switch up those habits. Benefits of stretching appear in your day to day routine. From improved flexibility to posture to a calmed mind. We all could use those luxuries these days with sitting on the computer all day doing work or shopping or talking to others. We have to make time for the things in life that are important, not ideal. 

Put your body first and see how your life changes. There is more to life than the amount you are doing, you want to make sure your quality of life matches. By stretching your entire body, you allow it to free itself of physical stress which affects your mental being. Stretching is for the old and young, the flexible and the inflexible, the busy and the lazy. Allow your mind and muscles to decompress for a short period of time during the day. You deserve it!

Make the Transition From a Plastic to Elastic Body Easier

Try to stretch first thing in the morning! This gets the job done early in the day. You start your morning mindful of your body from the engagement with your muscles. If you forget at the gym, do not stress since your muscles moved in the A.M.. A morning stretch wakes your mind and body up to have a productive day. You feel ready to start checking off your to-do list right away!

During the long hours of sitting at a desk or on the couch, there are many ways to incorporate stretching into your long days. Start simple with some flexes and extensions with your legs. Do not forget those arms that are constantly helping you type or lift items around the house or do just about anything. Everything from overhead reaches to neck rolls can be favorable for your upper body. Remember to keep moving, even if the stretches are so simple it feels comical. 

Get to the gym early! Even if it is five minutes, give yourself time to prepare your muscles for the intensity of your workout. A few minutes can always be sketched into your day if you focus on your priorities. You could write down a schedule for the day to make sure your stretching time is not forgotten. 

Before you get too comfy under your blanket, move around on your bed. Sleep quality will drastically improve as you make stretching a part of your night routine. You don’t even have to get out of bed! Pull on your legs, elongate your entire body from fingertips to toes, and make circles with your arms to increase blood flow. Remember small stretches are still more than nothing and you are moving that body. 

Ask a loved one around you if they wouldn’t mind giving you a short massage. Blood flow is crucial to muscle recovery and health. If you have someone to help reach those tough spots, ask them. If you do not have anyone around, you could always attempt to rub the tight muscles. When you apply pressure, you may feel a sense of pain for a moment or two. That uncomfortable feeling will only lead you to less pain in the end. 

10 Quick and Effective Stretches for Every Person:

-Cobra (Lay on stomach with hands under your shoulders. Push your upper body towards the air. Keep your hips on the ground. Hold for 10-15 seconds and take deep inhales and release.)

-Knees to Chest (Lay flat on your back and bend one knee towards your chest. Hold the knee with your hands for about 10-15 seconds. Do not forgot to take deep breaths.)

-Neck Stretch (Roll your head from one side, back to the spine, to the other side, to the front on your chest, and repeat in a circular motion. Do neck circles for about 10-15 seconds. Focus on your breathing.)

-Calf Stretch (Stand on both feet with one forward and one behind. Push your weight forward while resting your hands against a wall for assistance. Hold there for 10-15 seconds and switch sides. Inhale and exhale.)

-Downward Dog (Slowly come down to the ground with your hands and feet should be flat on the ground behind you. Butt should be in the air and elongate your spine. Allow the pose to alleviate pain from your legs, back, and arms. Remain in position for 10-15 seconds and let your breaths flow.)

-Lumbar Flexion Stretch (In a chair or bed, allow your upper body to collapse over your lower body. Your back should curve and your arms should reach as far down as possible. Stay in that folded position for 10-15 seconds, remember to breathe.)

-Shoulder Shrugs (Simply move your shoulders up and down. You can be sitting or standing or moving. Focus on the motion for about 10-15 seconds and let air in and out.)

-Cat Cow (On all fours, cave your body into a sort of U-shape then push your back towards the air creating an upside down V. Repeat the cycle for 10-15 seconds with inhales and exhales.)

-Supine Butterfly Stretch (Laying on your back, pull your ankles up and together. Keep contracting up and down for 10-15 seconds while making sure your back is flat and your lungs fully inhale and exhale air.)

-Oblique Stretch (You can sit or stand for this one. Intertwine your fingers and raise your hands above your head. Lean to one side and then the other. Go back and forth for 10-15 seconds and breathe in and out.)

A First Hand Outlook

Kyli Rabenold, a dancer all of her life, grew up with stretching engraved in her routine. She said to UP editor, Hannah Beil, that everyone should be “actively stretching whether they are working on flexibilty or not.” The dancer knows when she makes time for it, her body thanks her. No matter if she’s at work, exercising, or doing homework all day, exercise gives her more energy to get through the day. Kyli agrees that working on yourself every day is a perfect escape from any distractions you may have on your mind or physical barriers. You push past those limits and release any negative energy. If you are looking for an even more relaxing state, the model recommends stretching outside with the sounds and feels of nature. Allow the energy of nature, wind, and sunshine to heal your soul from your internal to external being.