A hiatus from all of life’s seriousness calls for a honeymoon away on the island just like Donna from Mamma Mia would do; it also calls for a thoughtful conversation between Editor-in-Chief, Hannah Beil, and the desirable cover star, Kaya Spicer.
Her stunning Polish descent not only drives her beauty, but so does her beating heart.
Married life is the best life, they say!
“I’ve been a wife for about two months now,” the girls start talking about girl things, “And I absolutely love it. I love every moment that comes with it. I love being able to come home to my best friend every day. I love sharing every moment together, creating new memories and being able to grow together. I love being able to say I found my soulmate in my best friend.”
“Listening to such a nonchalantly, untraditional story like Kaya Spicer’s is music to my ears,” the Editor-in-Chief scribes, “This is what makes our world an image of beauty; so many souls, so many similarities, so many stories, so many pastimes, so many distances.”