August Issue 2022: Liza Toppa




It is not an everyday occurrence that you find someone on the internet and intertwine morals so passionately. For the Editor-in-Chief, Hannah Beil, and Cover Star, Liza Toppa, that was exactly how their first and many more interactions to come went. 

With only a night escape from Pennsylvania to Rhode Island, Toppa gave ÜP an exclusive tour of the island; including, Jay Leno’s house, Judge Judy’s residence, and each of her beach spots on rotation when she spends time at home. The coast is decked in hidden gems, the cover features just one of them. “I knew from the moment we stepped foot off the road and onto the miniature mountain of rocks, this would be the location where the photos derive from,” Beil gives her two-sense.

Let’s take it back to the very beginning of the jam-packed twenty four hours in Rhode Island. Beil starts off, “When I got there, I immediately felt a rush of serotonin. Like my lungs just took the deepest breath and every muscle in my body just sank to the ground. I felt like air. That is when you know you are around not just good people, but original, never-touched-by-society people. All of their days are filled with driving five minutes to the nearest water, floating on a boat, talking up the locals, and grinding out their business deals for their up and coming wetsuit company, Missfits.”

The entrepreneur explains more about her obsession with the two brief sayings: “I stumbled upon these bracelets one day and had to get them because to me “Eat The Cake” means so much more to me than just “eating the cake”. To me, it’s more of a way to live your life, just go for it, in anything you do, essentially don’t hold back because there’s too much opportunity in this world and potential in every person to just go for it in anything they do. Having “Be F*cking Nice” on my wrist is kinda fun to just carry around because if someone is ever not, being nice, i’ll just hand them my bracelet as a little reminder.”

Some people are just “cool” when you meet and get to know them. Not cool in the most well-known way, but the “you excite me” and “you genuinely make me see life in a new light” way. It feels safe to say that the young cover star has fulfilled this characterization and found those that compliment her as well. Who are some of those people for you? Have you made an effort to analyze that aspect of your life? There seems to be a common theme amongst the “cool” people; they all look at each and every person as a friend, an individual who they have an incredible amount of potential with, and a person to love hard on.

Liza is one of those “cool” people; she exudes such an alliance with authenticity. “We had our first phone call and I immediately knew I chose the right model,” Beil remembers.

The real message: love onto people, people are the only answer. “Before this shoot, getting to meet Hannah and learning about her perspective on life was super inspiring to me. Just talking about how she aspires to leap on anything opportunity and put herself out there really resonated with me, because this is truly what opens many doors for you in life. I now take this into consideration on almost anything I do learning about how much the world has in store for what you make of it!”

Stay ÜPdated for more of our current issue on @upeditorial or

Socials to know: @lizatoppa, @missfits_co, @whalebonemagazine

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