October Issue 2022: Sophia Warren




The time has finally come to see Sophie Warren in person for Editor-in-Chief, Hannah Beil, in honor of the October issue debut. “Honestly, this moment was monumental in more than one way… we talked beforehand and found many similarities in our personalities, lifestyles, experiences, morals, etc., it felt all too perfect, but that is sometimes exactly what you need at certain points in your life,” Beil continues on about the grand reveal, “Feeling understood is a concept foreign to many until you meet those people that flip that narrative for you- she was that person for me.”

Did you know the two were going to be potential roommates for a hot minute before freshman year? Warren and Beil were in contact leading up to the official shoot, almost two years ahead of the big day.

Her immeasurable admiration for ÜP and the building blocks behind the entire magazine had Beil instantly in need of her presence. Configuring out the dates was even easy! That is not usually the case as we are all running around constantly in this work-driven lifestyle. The difference with Warren is that she made it her mission to find a date, solidify it, and even come to Beil’s side of town (three hours away).

“But can I just say… my jaw dropped at this,” the cover star wrote to Beil privately before she became a face of ÜP about a previous issue where the Editor-in-Chief talks about the simplicity of humanity that should be present, but proves untouched. The two aligned on all levels; they agreed life needed to be treated as precious as it truly is. 

Instead of talking as strangers, the women talked like they knew each other in another life.

Warren made it known to Beil about her openness surrounding her avidness for therapy. “Hannah, I’m literally in therapy for the reason that I want to but cannot find people that think like this,” she expresses in response to the excerpt from the issue she sent to the founder.

A genuine soul is like discovering a lost item of yours; you know it is out there somewhere in this big wide world, but when you find it, everything feels right again. Now an item could never surpass the feeling of another human being, it is a way to describe just how special that fresh connection is.


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