December Issue 2020

We live on a floating rock. That’s all that is to it. We are so simple, yet so complex. I know many find themselves struggling with the stresses that life may bring. Whether it is school, work, relationships, and other involvements, it is difficult sometimes to find a balance for it all. You want to do everything, but sometimes our bodies tell us when it is necessary or not. Take things with a grain of salt and remind yourself that more is always available to you. You do not need to sit there and repeat the same cycle of living the same day over and over again. Stand up. Start working. Earn it.

As you grow up, you start to realize the little things that in essence do not matter as much as you thought they did. Life gets a little less serious in a sense. By the time you reach the end of your twenties, you most likely have a consistent group of friends. Nina Schiller, starring in the December Issue of 2020, tells UP that “nothing really matters besides what makes you happy and the people you connect with.” When you find what and who makes your soul feel warm on the inside, you start to appreciate every other extra little thing. Having a foundation of passions and real relationships makes one loosen themselves from the reigns they have been trapped in by their own stressed out mind. 

As we talk about finding others who understand you and love you exactly for who you are, it is important to remember the raw starting point for reaching that epic ending. Schiller goes more into depth in her interview and points out that “it is hard to radiate light and love to others if you don’t have that same energy for yourself.” Something that hits home for many is self love, and we found out some of the secrets for the world to know. As the editor, photographer, and creative director of UP editorials, I get to understand life from other perspectives. I get to dive into their thoughts. I get to write their beautiful words so everyone can hear them. Because everyone should hear what they have to say. Humans are meant to be connected to others, but sometimes our minds block us from opening up. We have to remind our brains that: “We are living on a rock!” Why worry when there is a universe of unknowns out there? You have to start by making every little chore or adventure you do a joy ride. Smile whenever, even if people start wondering if you are daydreaming (maybe you are). When others offer to help you in any way whether it is watching a movie and just enjoying each other’s company or talking it out, take it. In order to absorb the love others have to offer, you have to make sure you are full. 

We have an average of seventy years to breathe this life on Earth in. Nina recognizes that and tells UP, “Life is painfully short. I want to spend it being my most authentic self and surrounding myself with those who support and love me. But, I do not want to forget to return that love back to the people who have allowed me to flourish in the ways that I want.” Individuality is sacred and must never be neglected. You are you and you never can change that, so accept it and embrace. Seventy years of a healthy life is not promised. Every day you open your eyes whether it is five A.M. or twelve P.M., you are breathing the gift of oxygen. Spend that time being so attached to the idea of bettering yourself that you get lost in time. People are not lying when they say “time flies when you are having fun.” Allowing yourself to be you is the most eye opening experience you could ever imagine. Individuality is freedom and love all wrapped into one. When you are confident in your presence, the love you give others is undeniable. You remember that love is necessary and love is golden. When you think about treating others with kindness, remember that energy invests itself in not only those who you give it to, but also yourself.

 Be patient with time, yourself, and others. It takes adjusting and getting used to the newness of everything to find that deep love for everything in life from yourself to others to your passions. Be ready, your soul is already brewing. Love is a feeling that everyone needs to thrive whether some like to admit it or not. Getting more connected to your body and surroundings is the secret to unlock an unforgettable life. 

Cling to mentors to remain on the path of loving love. The top people to follow on Instagram are: @tankgoodnews, @humansofny, @kiva_microloans, @deepakchakra, @jayshetty, and @ohhappyday. Listed are more than just trendy Instagrams, these are a few people who know the power of love. They know it and they share it for the world to reach optimal joy.

Visuals and creative direction for this issue were put to life by Hannah Beil, editor of UP. “The plastic surrounding Nina represents how sometimes the kindest are trapped. Their gentle souls are so important to this world, but those soft-hearted people feel like they are different because the world is so harsh. I wanted to show that she is standing tall and embodied with leaves to demonstrate her ease.” UP is made on the foundation of love, kindness, and gentleness. This December issue ends the year off on a note that captures our truths as an editorial. “No one should feel trapped because their heart is too important for this world to see and know.” Schiller is confident knowing her kindness is crucial for self enjoyment and relationships with others.

December is a month of gratitude. We receive and give more than any other time of the year. This may be a month where you are volunteering your time or maybe you are reuniting with friends for the holiday break. Allow yourself to reflect these next few weeks. Someone may have gotten you a cliche $20 blanket, but think about the time they put into earning that $20. Most likely, that is two hours of work for the average minimum wage employee. Maybe your younger cousin painted a picture of the two of you. Let the love soak in, look at every detail they put onto the canvas, and remind yourself that this is a symbol that you are indeed loved. Nothing beats the feeling of when you know someone gets you to your core. A gift may remind them of you and that shows the greatest connection of all, love. What better gift is there in life than love? I have the answer for you: NOTHING! 

Ten (From The Heart) Gifts For Everyone:

-A handwritten letter (FREE)

-Playlist of songs you share a love for (FREE)

-Snacks and sweets (FREE)

-A day full of “Yes’s!” (FREE)

-Nap time anytime card (FREE)

-Plan a full day of hiking (FREE)

-Dance party with close friends (FREE)

-Picking fresh flowers (FREE)

-Making a book of home cooked meal plans and prepping the dishes (FREE)

-Write a list of the best podcasts for that specific someone to listen to (FREE)

Ten (Spending) Gifts For Everyone:

-A personal massage or a gift card to a spa for a professional treatment (Hand & Stone $59.95)

-Custom photo lamps ( $46.00)

-A film projector (Amazon $99.99)

-Timeless movies ($20.00)

-Buying them lessons to learn a new language (Babbel $6.95/month for one year)

-Books ($0.99 at thrift stores)

-Painting projects (Etsy)

-A getaway trip (VARIES)

-Animal of any kind (VARIES)

-Clothing or shoes (VARIES)