Looking Deeper Into Miley Cyrus’ New Album “Plastic Hearts”

Have you ever thought about writing a song? People tend to laugh at themselves when they are asked that question. Most of the time it is “I do not know notes” or “I do not know the structure of songs” or “I do not know melody”. When Miley Cyrus tells you she begins her songs as a diary entry, would you change your mind? Evidently, a majority of celebrated artists write down their thoughts, emotions, and experiences before even putting actual musicality to the words. Cyrus tells Jimmy Fallon, late night talk show host on The Tonight Show, all her answers to fans questions. The show asked healthcare workers and essential small businesses on Twitter to send in their inquiries for the singer. She even goes to tell the world that “I Can’t Be Tamed” is “one of my favorite songs”. Claiming this song was a “warning” to her growth from the classic role as Hannah Montana. 

If one person experienced growth, it would be Miley Cyrus. She defies the idea of transformation as a human being. Recognizing that she was and always will be more than just Hannah Montana, she turned her appearance and approaches upside down. Starting with the darker music video of “I Can’t Be Tamed” to “Wrecking Ball”, there is a traumatic difference between the character she used to be versus who she felt she was deep down inside. A lot of the times the worries of hurting others held the singer back. Having a devoted fan base to one side of you is never easy when you are confused about your own identity. At only twelve years old, Miley grew stardom alarmingly fast. A child with millions following her every move could cause some damage to her developing mind. It is almost impossible to remain the same person as you were at twelve years old. But, due to her public life, every change of hers was documented and judged. Extreme decisions in her personal life and artistry changed the way people looked at Cyrus forever. 

A new album called “Plastic Hearts” emphasizes those deeply rooted rock genes. November 27, 2020 set the tone for her life at the moment. A recent separation from ex-husband, Liam Hemsworth, obviously dealt with a load of history.  Lyrics from “Angel Like You” specifically refer to Hemsworth and their compatibility not matching anymore. Fans were in utter heartbreak listening to this new hit, but Cyrus knew this was one of her outlets to cope. 

Zane Lowe took the initiative to magnify the current status of Miley’s life and career. Right now, she is finally settled in her beautiful $5.8 million farmhouse estate. Lowe continues to ask her what a home is to her because of the multiple moves her family made as the Cyrus children grew up. She responds, “A home to me is, and it can be any space, any size, that when someone else enters that space, they know it’s yours.” Lowe goes to say her personal detail to the home depicts exactly her personality. Later on in her teenage years, she found a sense of home in her co-star, Liam. The constant changes in her life lead to the build up of strong emotions and a sort of inability to fully accept the love her and Liam had. Her song “Angels Like You” alludes to the fact that she is nowhere close to the level of angelic her ex is currently at. Lyrics such as “angels like you can’t fly down here with me” infer that she declares herself unworthy of such Heavenly love. Returning back to the diary idea from earlier, listeners understand the pain and constant self-doubt she felt in the relationship. “Plastic Hearts” could be considered an apology to Hemsworth in the most beautiful shape a human could put the feelings into. 

Besides the emotional aspect of the album, this is her first album that is entirely considered rock. From the contagious energy of the lyrics and beat to the instruments chosen, Miley hit the nail on exactly her sound. She even added a mullet to her rock themed self, not many can pull one off, but she certainly holds the confidence to. Through the years, the revelation that Miley Cyrus is not Hannah Montana hit every single follower of hers. Growth and self-acceptance is seen in her music and the way she carries herself. Comments do not seem to bother the world-wide star as she continues to express her inner feelings and outer appearance. The new album is now out to stream on all platforms.