January Issue 2021

When asked about the most elegant people, your answer may take awhile. In all honesty, that is normal and should be the case. Certainly it takes quite some time to reach that level of maturity and self-awareness. One who grows to the extent of class, knows exactly who they are and what they stand for. With all the necessary pieces to holding such a title, it is rare for many to brew that in themselves. Time is crucial to the process, and so is letting yourself find everything that is meant for you. Being okay with letting the things that do not suit you anymore and indulging in the possibilities of life is key to the mind game.

New Years, a time of champagne, silver and gold, and fancy dinners, is known to man as one of the most elaborate periods of the year. This time is purposefully decadent in order to ring in the next few months with a renewed spirit. Who does not enjoy living lavish for a night, it lets the soul breathe. Every aspect of the holiday is truly detailed. Dressed in a stark white tie dress, the model showcases a possible New Years outfit. Whoever said “too dressy”, is dangerous. Allow your mind and body to show itself off in pieces you would never wear on the regular day schedule. 

Our feature this month, Cidnee Phillips, describes elegance as a presence. Nothing disturbs a presence when they are settled with themselves. “It is a presence I maintain”. There is constant work to be done in order to achieve the utmost class. The idea of being a work in progress is someone who does not give up on elevating themselves. Maintenance is the background of the overall embodiment since effort is needed. You choose to wake one morning and change, but you have to actively put your energy into the rest of your years. Being able to maintain that class, not just for one night, but an entire lifetime, defines the word exactly. Carry yourself with a sense of admirability and watch the way everything becomes easier. Phillips knows there has to be a “balance between acting with assertiveness and class consistently in our disposition.” A human who knows how to behave accordingly is one powerful being.

Influences like her godmother and mother are main sources of her present existence. Two ladies who raised a well spoken, respectable young women are to thank for those who get to be around Cidnee. As humans we take in our environment unconsciously- the lovely and not so lovely parts. Each of which interfere with how we are able to live, but when you have sincere mentors, your experiences rarely affect your presence. Elegance is uncommon simply because of the minimal knowledge on such a complicated state, so less and less people are able to pass it down to the following generations. Find those who remind you of your worth, but teach you humility in congruity. 

We kept the conversation going and talked about a certain part of a human or an object that symbolizes elegance. Phillips goes to say that “a beautiful smile is a symbol of elegance to me.” It goes to show the embodiment of such a characteristic does not need to come off as hard and harsh. Really, it is shedding a light to others with no judgment or unnecessary thoughts. Allow the inflicting emotions to enter, but never let them make a home in you. Then, show up with a smile and trick your mind out of an unrealistic world. The face of our cover makes a smile look effortless, and said she recently had someone describe her’s as “disarming”. As simple as a facial gesture could transform you. Others see the class Phillips alludes just simply from her smile. From just her experiences, we see that others recognize your internal and external glow when you prosper with self-acceptance and genuinity. 

More on elegance in the model’s life focuses on those who exude a true sense of living with commendable livelihood. Her friend, Domenica Valerie, represents undemanding simplicity along with beauty and confidence to our Cidnee. She gushes over a fulfilling relationship with a person who knows how to correctly carry herself and treat others. Have you ever heard that we are a combination of the five people we spend most of our time with? Our cover star makes sure to have a core of people exactly like Domenica and others. The friendship all blossomed in a pizza shop where things would just click for the two. They were unable to reconnect again until one day at church, but the ease of talking could not be denied. Imagining the women together gives a weak heart for those surrounded, for they are a dynamic pairing. A friend who encourages you to be your best self is one to love on and cherish. For Cidnee, Domenica is all that and more, as heard during her feedback for the question.

As our interview continued we went into depth about Phillips Instagram. Her page proves to be a gallery of effortless poise. UP asked how she achieves such images and if there is a framework she builds off of when she is in the process of taking pictures. The young woman responds, “For one, thank you! Also, because my mind works in a very visual way, I can see myself and the creative vision I wish to embody before I shoot. So, by the time I set up, I am working on a mental muscle memory. I am aware of my body and face so the poses feel natural, most of the time I move in a dance like manner.” Pictures are seemingly art, and for Cidnee she takes that term quite literally. Short movements and gestures turn into an envelope of thousands of stunning images. We see elongated arms, bent knees, and tilted head angles to emphasize on her posing method. Such stances make her company desirable and graceful, for it is all about how you cultivate yourself.

Wrapping up our interview, we ended with the final inquiry for her to describe her dream elegant outfit or look. Instantly, her phone flew out of her pocket and a picture of Keke Palmer, a celebrity with drive and class, appeared. The actress and singer participated with Affirm Inc. for a “#GiftsNotGotchas” special in an impeccable emerald green suit. A rich and deep colored silk that held a bold cape statement on the back. After seeing the suit myself, it certainly could assimilate anybody with appealing confidence. A few days after the interview, the model reached out and found yet another dreamy, white champagne colored dress. There is a descending string weaving on the skirt while the top reveals more skin with a dynamic keyhole. Cidnee sent a video from social media and instantly knew she could not choose between the two “dreamy” outfits.

Now more than ever we start to create specific resolutions for the next year ahead. Instead of focusing on the things you wish to have, try attaining the best version of yourself every day. Allow this year to be a project on yourself rather than the supplementaries. Projects are meant to be gradual, allow these next three hundred sixty-five days to be your time line and motivator. Remember the words directly from Cidnee Phillips herself, “It is a presence I maintain.”