Febuary Issue 2021

A sufficient amount of love is subpar for the human race. We need pounds and pounds of the feeling to fuel our soul. Oddly enough, love is crucial to survival just like food, water, and shelter. Refurbishing “old-fashioned” love proves crucial in a society that prioritizes texting, social media, and mindless conversations. Most people agree that the idea of finding someone with similar morals to their expectations deems quite impossible. But, when you look, there remains a foundation of raw emotion. Man opens door for woman, man brings flowers for woman, man walks up to her door before a planned night out. Significant moments like the previous actions are the building blocks to maintaining a romantic feeling between two human beings. 

In science terms, Abraham Maslow designated a specific tier to love and the feeling of being wanted in his “Hierarchy of Needs”. Categorized as “Belongingness and Love Needs”, Maslow places this survival mode right in between the others both above and below. On the triangle, the need is described as “intimate relationships and friends”. So, technically, humans can solely survive off of friendships, but adding in a companion only strengthens your quality of life. Having someone to come home to, support each other, and physically and emotionally connect are aspects of a relationship that are unique to having a significant other. Friends are just as important, but the dimensions of the building blocks behind the relationships range.

Companionship patents the present. Simply witnessing two human beings loving each other each second is a testament to the theory. Hannah Coursey and Michael Prieto, cover features for the February Issue of 2021, stood out clear as day to ÜP editor, Hannah Beil. A paradigm to the ideal, unfiltered love that movies script out. In the diner, the two displayed their lovely feelings for one another without hesitation. Editor claims, “My time with them felt like a world everyone should be living in!” Affection is key to emphasizing your love for another person. For one shot, there was no other moment that quite confirmed the attachment Coursey and Prieto had than when their silhouettes captured a simple kiss. A precious moment that demonstrated their brewing love for each other turned into a picturesque landscape of ever-growing passion. 

Sitting down in the booth, there was never a quiet moment between the two. Not single-handedly in reference to their verbal words, but just in the way they move and express such a feeling. A diner is a classic hub for couples and singles alike. Bright lights, over-sized booths, and music galore was glamorous to those in the thirties, fourties, fifties, sixties, etc.. The juke box is a signature piece on tables to provide entertainment. An aray of songs are provided and when coins are inserted, it plays your selection. Couples tend to “claim” a song while their music plays during their meal. A diner is a special kind of restaraunt unlike our average luxuries today. Somehow the aura of an old time diner transfers you into a different world each time. You want to dance and chat with everyone around. It is a safe space to connect with others while possibly diving into a breakfast for dinner plate.

Love is quite literally the feeling humans run off of in everyday life. In order to proclaim infatuation, love languages appear in spurts. There are five different methods to expression: words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts. Routines of such language reproduce love each and every time. Whether it is a hug or a letter or a grand surprise to a desirable destination, different people act in different ways to show others their undeniable amount of love. For female muse, she professes an intriguing aspect of Michael is his ability to keep her calm. A sense of verbal affirmations significantly balances the two as she describes him as her “equal”. Her male lover proclaims quality time led him to affirm “she is the one”. With nought strings attached, the combination of affirmations and moments shaped exactly their relationship flow.

Following the initial question, Beil questioned, “Would you consider your relationship old-fashioned or modern?”. In like manner, the two answered with old-fashioned as their choice. Hannah Coursey proceeds to confirm the idea about social media and publicity. She works to maintain a healthy relationship by not documenting each intimate moment they share in an Instagram post, Snapchat story, or a Tweet. Centuries ago, the platforms were negligible in society and we can see that specific impact on relationships. She opens up explaining that she is “more private with our relationship and I think that helps.” Satisfaction is a product of the decision she made for her private life with significant other, Michael Prieto. The male model proves his old-fashioned manners by “still coming to the door whenever I pick her up. Dressing up real nice for a date out to dinner. Writing each other letters. Surprising her with flowers. Spending time with each other without phones or TV.”

Love is now. Prieto vocals, “We are there for eachother if it is for better or for worse. We understand no one is perfect.” Imperfections are inevitable as a human form attempting to work with another. Prior to loving Michael, the female cover star discloses she never felt that deep connection she does now. Through the transformation, she presently looks at love as “the greatest thing.” Truly, the right person is out there to work wonders in the way you look both at life and love. A beautiful woman deserving of an equal who does not make love complicated, but dreamy. Relating to each other on a variety of topics keeps one other wildly in love. Deep conversations, similar music tastes, and perspectives on life are critical to their initial and ever-evolving timeline. Lover of Coursey responds to the question, “What do you think about love itself?” With a thoughtful pause, he crafts, “Love hmmm. Love itself is a feeling more than anything. Like when you know, you know. The attraction, affection, and admiration for each other. We act silly and do not think twice about other people’s opinions.” Letting go of society’s stigma on intimate relationships is the first step to experiencing the most beautiful feeling you will ever come to know.

Authentically, the two models simply do live realistic lives with school and work, but that does not put a barrier between interaction. Hannah continues, “I know we spend a lot of time together, but it is often at the end of the day when we are done with our other priorities. It is a good balance. We definitely have our lazy days and it is something I treasure. We make sure we do not plan anything for one day a week so that we can see each other and I think it is an important habit. Our schedule keeps us up to date with each other, and gives us a chance to check in.” With a response like hers, UP pinpoints a private affair that encourages the couple to not let the chaotic life of modern day affect their old-fashioned love. Prieto further reiterates, “There is always a grey area of time to focus on your significant other.” 

Strangers are individuals destined to contain mutual desire for compelling love. Hannah Coursey and Michael Prieto are living proof of unconditional sentiment. The pair synchronously unveil ocean depth love which ultimately led ÜP editor to include them in the February Issue. This special month calls for a new perspective on love, and our coverstars are non-other than a dynamic example of pure endearment.