May Issue 2021

A great amount of material goes into a conversation with two mature young ladies who go by Cidnee Phillips and Domenica Leanza. For close to six hours, they brought the necessary energy to create the May Issue. Most work towards their level of intention all of their lives. Confidence is a topic of indifference when someone can not grasp the concept. The point is that this state of being does not collaborate with the rest of your body until you let go. Both featured cover stars know their position in society and the abundance they have to offer to their surroundings. A concept: to be confident is to be intentional. Every time you walk out of the house, you walk with purpose; going to the gym to develop strength or endurance, going on a date to connect on a deeper level with a love interest, or simply running errands for the good of your pantry or house. As you accomplish each of these tasks, you do it because it will be beneficial. There is no need for certain gaps of your heart to be filled by an unsatisfying feeling given by anyone or anything. 

Here goes the trip down the streets of quaint city-like streets. Architecture is one to match in Emmaus by far in the level of diversity. As Creative Director, Hannah Beil, scouted for a background to mimic the vibe of the issue, the discussion intensified: “Insecurity is a quality that has dismantled significant relationships in my life. Being confident helps me eliminate the competitive aspect of partners, friendships and intimate family relationships so I can continue getting to know and experience others without fear of judgment which leads to very meaningful connections. Having self confidence grants me the ability to proceed in all things with reassurance and extend it to those closest to me,” Cidnee phonates. 

Beil and Phillips collaborated just back in January for that monthly issue; with that, our conversation reappeared but with additional insight from Leanza. Our new addition to the ÜP family states confidence is the “backbone” of her relationships despite the degree of attachment. She uncovers the truth that instilling confidence in the relationship brings out the confidence in others;  “For a massive portion of my life, my confidence needed to be built to a degree where I even felt deserving of the love being radiated my way. This was possibly one of the hardest challenges that I have progressed through thus far. When I learned to love myself, it allowed me to open the door to allowing others to love me.”

By now, the phrase “highlight reel” can technically be a synonym for any social media account. How strange of us humans to consistently compare our lives to those on a screen of which they only post certain moments! Moments: “a very brief period of time.” Lets emphasize ‘very brief’! In no way does the fact that this beautiful memory occurred, but we need to change the mindset when observing such posts. There are two different account users- those who drag themselves into a spiral of worry that their life is in no likeness to the beauty of another’s or those who remain grounded in their season of life and congratulate others for their successes and happiness. 

Luckily, we have influencers like Phillips who are encouragingly honest with their following. She acknowledges her goals as a content creator, “I feel my Instagram stands for resilience and growth. In some ways I’ve seen my feed as a progressive journal, leaving traces of moments or looks that impacted me during an important time of my life. With that I have grown in many creative aspects from personal vision and been granted opportunities to expand my creative direction to business partnerships. I wish for people to feel elevated seeing my posts.” Vulnerability is purity of heart. Allowing others to indulge in your raw humanity is a sign of firmness- a condition every being has worked towards since the beginning. 

“Social media should exist as a tool, as an art, and as a resource,” coming from Domenica. She interacts with Instagram as a creator. In the interview, we go more in depth about the purpose of solely basing posts off of personal love and value and worth, not seeking for others opinions or validation. An important skill for all to learn must we add. 

The world offers a whole lot more when you expect more. At a young age Leanza points out that she “struggled in what felt like all genres of my life due to no nourishment of what should have been a growing confidence,” but with time over this past year she “can strongly state that 2020 was my year of allowing my confidence to flourish.” Instead of being “blinded” to her worth, she soaked in her entire being and every other beautiful aspect of her heart that she offers to others. In the words of Phillips’ beloved god-mother, “Excel and only expect the best from yourself.” A mindset not everyone can wrap around, but those who do understand they are capable and worthy of anything when they place no captivity on who they are. 

Passion regarding the enhanced movement of “girls supporting girls” poured out farther into the interview. “Historically women are pit against one another to prove some sort of superior differentiation. This is harmful when  trying to create unity among our own voices for advocacy in regard to high priority issues taking over our nation, such as sexual assault, racial inequality and opression. The depth of girls supporting one another has become performative, focusing on our outward appearance and lifestyles that exploit men and our sexuality; girls supporting girls means using any platform to alleviate ignorance, and also reevaluating the pressure we put on ourselves and one another to fulfill ever changing aesthetic standards. Supporting another woman is having the willingness to overlook your personal experiences, and sometimes other beliefs to grant empathy and encouragement for the sake of preserving sisterhood.” 

The movement means “everything” in one of our cover star’s perception. Domenica is all for the “warmth and light”; she explains, “The empathy, validation, and community found within such a dynamic exists as a backbone of empowerment. As we coexist in a western patriarchal world oppressed by sexism and discrimination, the greatest weapon we have on our side is the one we form by bonding together.”

Editor-in-Chief hones in on the “ever-changing aesthetic”, for there will never be a concrete image of who you should be so be utterly you. Cliche, maybe in the melody of that phrase, but powerful when you look at the ignition of confidence in awe rather than judgement. 

Tricking yourself seems like a bit of a game, but it is a worthwhile game. Model, Leanza, gives an exclusive tip for her path to confidence: “Own it.” She said that her mindset switch allowed her to “silence” such scrutiny from her own brain. Permission to be exactly who you are starts with you. Re-wiring, which studies the dramatic impact of positive affirmations, is a classic phrase found in psychology. Each morning try thanking your body for its alert nature in the morning, thank your body for its balance that keeps you grounded, thank your body for each word you speak as you impact the world one breath at a time. 

 “There was something about the ladies’ views on the permanence of confidence, something magical,” the Editor-in-Chief writes. Leanza believes it can be referred to as a “second nature” when worked on consistently and intentionally: “The key to this is learning to actually love yourself. Self-love and it’s true meaning has been clouded in self care routines, positive thinking and manifestation exercises, and daily mantras and affirmations. The true source of self confidence roots itself in your ability to really love yourself, love your strengths, and more importantly, loving your weaknesses and flaws that directly cause the root of your declining confidence to begin with. The true battle towards self love and confidence is the battle that you have within yourself accommodating a home for all the components, good and bad, that make you, you.” Honestly those words enhanced the mood even more, as well as Cidnee’s perspective.

Beil understood Phillips’ intrinsic values from the beginning of their friendship; “An aura could never replicate Cidnee’s. She demonstrates an element of effortless control, and I respect her for that.” A direct tip to feeling more confident from the model herself: “ Immerse in activity or conversation that is thought provoking.” In comparison to scrolling on social media (that puts connection on the back burner), conversations are scientifically proven to increase self-esteem from feeling understood and loved. She continues, “Remove the emphasis on appearing beautiful, and develop the qualities that project it, I tell Hannah I love when ‘I radiate Joy’.”

Confidence that is set in stone does not reside in a healthy base. Beil asks the two to reflect on whether the women believe the characteristic is permanent or fleeting or unexpected. Our cover star, Phillips, responds, “No, nothing is. Of course there is maintenance that can be done to help preserve the idea of confidence; although as your life changes so do your priorities. Confidence can be a foundation, but it is important to be ready to redefine what your personal idea of it is at any time.” Redefining is a staple action of Cidnee’s; adaptability is crucial to living a rewarding life. 

Phillips’ outtakes from the shoot: “The day of the shoot my heart was heavy, I had a lot of internal stress and worry, but once I realized that being positive would help make Hannah and Dom’s experience of our time better it motivated me to work hard. It was an opportunity to get out of my own way and the day was FABULOUS. I was surrounded by love making something beautiful for others. I feel blessed to have such a creative outlet where I can cultivate my emotions for others’ enjoyment and connection. Now I am stable, looking toward the future, I invite all that will come good or bad for the lessons I can gain from my experience. Looking for the good in everyday life and staying grateful.”

Leanza’s outtakes from the shoot: “I felt loved, I felt beautiful, I felt supported by my best friend Cidnee that aided my confidence towards feeling capable of doing something out of my comfort zone. I felt accepted and heard in a creative space supported by other female creatives where we banded together to make something so beautiful. This was my first time partaking in an editorial and it was definitely a memorable experience that I’d love to share again.”

From the creative director perspective, Beil reflects, “There is something empowering and comforting in witnessing the strength of the two ladies. I was honored to be in the presence of women established with dignity for themselves, not for anyone else. Not to mention, their dynamic mirrors all they discuss in the interview. They support one another for their realistic selves, the vulnerability evidently shadows in their conversations and interactions.”

The end game is in no manner far-fetched. The action does not come from your appearance. The idea begins in your inner soul. The connection between your heart and your mind and your body controls where you lead yourself to. The respect you deserve to give yourself derives from opening all of the parts of you that does not place you in a category.